Blog Post

ROC Removes a Hurdle to Getting a Contractor's License

Jamie Hanson • January 17, 2018

Arizona law requires the qualifying party for an Arizona contractor's license to have a certain level of experience. For several years, the Registrar of Contractors has required the qualifying party to demonstrate that experience not only by taking examinations and submitting documentation supporting their work experience, but also by filling out separate "project forms."

On December 21, 2017, the ROC announced that it has removed the requirement to submit projects as part of the experience portion, thus streamlining the application process.


The Registrar's decision to eliminate the project forms is consistent with legislation passed earlier in 2017. That legislation streamlined the license-application process by removing the financial statement requirement.

By eliminating the separate project forms, the Registrar removed an unnecessary burden to licensure as an Arizona contractor. The project forms were not required by any statute or any regulation, and were added to the license application over time as a bureaucratic hoop through which applicants were forced to jump.


It is important to note that the ROC has not lowered the amount of experience required for a qualifying party, and the ROC still confirms the validity of the experience claimed. As before, the qualifying party for most licenses must pass both a trade examination and a business examination to demonstrate the required level of experience for the license. (Certain licenses do not have a trade examination and require only documentation of experience.)

The ROC's decision to remove the project forms is a welcome step toward increased efficiency in the application process while maintaining the high quality of Arizona's licensed contractors.

Jamie Hanson

Jamie Hanson is a former Chief Counsel for the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.

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